Daniel begins his date with Beatrice, promising to show her a different side of Barcelona that would lead her regretting leaving. Throughout their journey Daniel converses with Bea about his experiences with The Shadow of the Wind, and his newly found purpose to discover the true whereabouts of Julian Carax, or the purpose of his murder. After journeying to the Cemetary of Forgotton books, Bea selects her own book and returns home late. When Daniel returns to the bookshop he talks to Fermin and discovers that the P.O. Box belonged to another lawyer with a fake address, but this time all the letters were redirected to Nurma. In addition, Fermin informs Daniel that he will become a father soon, and expresses his mad lust for Bernada. After their inquiry, Daniel formally introduces Fermin to his purpose to excavate as much information possible about Carax, and with Fermin's great interrogation skills, they hope to withdraw significant information from the local priest. The priest, believing that Daniel was Carax's long lost son, tells the duo that Aldaya and Carax were great friends until Julian broke his sisters heart.
Why would Nuria lie?If she saved most of Carax's works from the hands of Coulbert?
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perhaps she did it because he doesnt trust Daniel. Maybe she's depressed and her mind is warped; she does sit at a bench everyday. Perhaps near the end, she will play a bigger role in the novel
maybe Nuria is trying to protect Carax and this is the only way she can be certain no one ever finds him.
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