Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Shadow of the Wind p. 200-225

The priest continues to orate Jorge Aldaya an Julian Carax's friendship, beginning at their childhood to Daniel and Fermin. We learn that Jorge and Julian share a complex friendship- a friendship based on intellect and wit. Then The priest talks about Miquel, whom was allegedly marries to Nuria, and is in jail for protesting. Miquel , like Julian, had a life altered/conjured up of memories from his mother. Also, like Daniel Miquel's mother passed away at a young age, but unlike Daniel he saw life through a Gothic/ death perspective. In addition we lean that Fermins arch nemesis inspector Javier Fumero was a good friend of Julian. As a child Fumero was detrimental and psycho to all life forms, killing birds, and spectating grotesque corpses. after consulting with the priest, Daniel and Fermin discover that one possible culprit is the inspector himself, driven by jealousy because Julian took his unconfined love, Penelope, away from him. Late Daniel meats up with Bea and they arrange another spontaneously planned date?

Do you think the priest was lying?

Shadow of the Wind p. 175-200

Daniel begins his date with Beatrice, promising to show her a different side of Barcelona that would lead her regretting leaving. Throughout their journey Daniel converses with Bea about his experiences with The Shadow of the Wind, and his newly found purpose to discover the true whereabouts of Julian Carax, or the purpose of his murder. After journeying to the Cemetary of Forgotton books, Bea selects her own book and returns home late. When Daniel returns to the bookshop he talks to Fermin and discovers that the P.O. Box belonged to another lawyer with a fake address, but this time all the letters were redirected to Nurma. In addition, Fermin informs Daniel that he will become a father soon, and expresses his mad lust for Bernada. After their inquiry, Daniel formally introduces Fermin to his purpose to excavate as much information possible about Carax, and with Fermin's great interrogation skills, they hope to withdraw significant information from the local priest. The priest, believing that Daniel was Carax's long lost son, tells the duo that Aldaya and Carax were great friends until Julian broke his sisters heart.

Why would Nuria lie?If she saved most of Carax's works from the hands of Coulbert?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Shadow of the wind p.150-175

Daniel returns to the shop and finds out that his father has continued his errands of delivering the books to the customers. Later he meets Merciditas, a patron whom his father has grown fond of, and new debater against Fermin. Suddenly a brutal act of violence surfaces and the reader meets inspector Fumero. Fumero is a governmental official known for brutally attacking "non-conformist"/abstract individuals through malicious violence. Then Daniel visits Nurma and spontaneously falls for her. Nurma tells Daniel that the publisher would be the best person to consult to find out information about Julian. Also, Nurma informs Daniel that she never had an intimate relationship with Julian because he was always living in his novels. With this fact, Daniel realizes that the person who wanted to completely extinguish Carax has to rid of all his works because of all the bibliographical information he embedded his stories in their with.

Why does Daniel always fall for every female protagonist in the novel?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Shadow of the Wind p.125-150

Sempere continues to interrogate Mr.Mollins and learns why Mr.Fortunys placed crucifixes around the house. He placed them all over because Fortuny believed that Julian was the offspring of sin; therefore, he was offspring to the devil. Later, Daniel confronts and converses with his best friends sister, Bea, whom he has grown to love passionately. When returning to the bookshop Fermin makes fun of Daniel and his weak 'game' he has with women. After enduring his mockery, Daniel reads Penelope's letter to Julian and finds out that she was from a very prestigious family, and loved Julian dearly. So, in hopes of conversing with Penelope to excavate more knowledge on Carax, Daniel travels to her home and ends up viewing an vacant/abandoned home. Like before with Mr.Fortuny's vacant house a caretaker/nosy neighbor was present and told Sempere that the family moved to start some sort of enterprise abroad.

What is the relevance of Penelope in the story? Why are all the people Carax become familiarized with either diseased or have migrated?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Shadow of the Wind p.100-125

After consulting with Torres, Sempere discovers that there is a posibility that Carax's father might still be alive, so he journeys to the Fortuny Hat Shop. There he discovers that the place was abandoned after Mr Fortuny (Julian Carax's father) died of loneliness, and then runs into the caretaker of the facility. Dona Aurora, the caretaker, tells Sempere that Carax lived a detached relationship with his father, whom frequently beat her mother on suspicion that Carax wasn't his real son. Later, Daniel tomb raids Mr. Fortuny's apartment and discover that someone had recently scavenged around the house because of the soot covered footprints that covered the house. When he finally reached Carax's room, it was surprisingly locked, even though none of the other rooms in the apartment were locked, and on the front of the door he saw that the soot footsteps maneuvered through the locked bearing to the room. As Dona constantly told Sempere to depart from the catacombs of the house, he found the key-entered the room and hid some of the relics into his jacket.

Did the soot covered footprints belong to Coulbert? Who do you think Penelope is? Was this all a set up?